How many of your employees are imprisoned by data? Free them with Dream Report…

How many of your employees are imprisoned by data? Free them with Dream Report…

Creating Industrial Reports and Dashboards is Easy.  Free your Employees from the Burden There’s at least one individual at your organization that wades through data every month to generate your compliance reports, batch reports or generate and distribute Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).  Maybe you are in Water, Waste Water, [...]

How many of your employees are imprisoned by data? Free them with Dream Report…2019-01-30T14:19:32+00:00

The Right Report Generator Gives You the Right Answer in One Step

An Industrial Analytics Solution Automatically Generates Results in One Step for Reports and Dashboards This benefit would seem obvious, but many reporting solutions are more adept at pulling data from a data source and placing results into an Excel Workbook for manipulation, than giving you the one data result you [...]

The Right Report Generator Gives You the Right Answer in One Step2019-01-30T15:00:00+00:00

Writing Dream Report Data to Historians

Writing Data or Feeding Data to a Historian in Industrial Applications Dream Report is one of the most powerful industrial analytics products on the market today.  The need for reports and dashboards for virtually any KPI imaginable requires Dream Report to deliver both real-time and historian-oriented analytics.  These analytics are [...]

Writing Dream Report Data to Historians2019-02-12T19:16:15+00:00

Dream Report 4.83 is Released

The new maintenance release, version 4.83 is available to all Dream Report 4.8 customers.  The release notes, available in the Dream Report documentation directory, will detail all new features and benefits.  This release delivers one very valuable enhancement, done at the request of one customer, but valuable in all applications, [...]

Dream Report 4.83 is Released2018-10-23T13:31:25+00:00

ANSI/ISA 18.2 Alarm Management and Dream Report

ANSI/ISA 18.2 Alarm Management Alarm Analysis Reports and Dashboards by Dream Report In 2009, a new standard was released by ANSI/ISA called ISA 18.2.  It covers the Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries.  ISA 18.2 Alarm Management is a very important topic, and we’ve all heard stories of [...]

ANSI/ISA 18.2 Alarm Management and Dream Report2019-05-28T13:49:05+00:00

Dream Report Version 4.82 is Available

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dream Report Version 4.82 is Available May 29, 2018 – Ocean Data Systems (ODS), the market leader in reporting and corporate dashboards for the automation industry, announced that version 4.82 is posted and available for download. Dream Report version 4.82, technically a maintenance release, is available to [...]

Dream Report Version 4.82 is Available2018-05-30T20:36:39+00:00

Energy Management for ALL Markets and All Applications

Choosing the Right Technology for Your Energy Management Solution   The Key to Energy Management is Leveraging Industrial Reports and Dashboards for Continuous Improvement Energy Management is a very broad topic, spanning most markets.  However, in all cases, there are fundamentals that need to be considered.  From the chart above, [...]

Energy Management for ALL Markets and All Applications2019-01-30T15:29:06+00:00

Dream Report WINS “Engineers’ Choice” Award by Control Engineering Magazine

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dream Report WINS “Engineers’ Choice” Award February 8, 2018 – Ocean Data Systems (ODS), the market leader in reporting and corporate dashboards for the automation industry, announced that Dream Report has WON the “Engineers’ Choice” award, by Control Engineering Magazine. More than 90 product nominations from 43 [...]

Dream Report WINS “Engineers’ Choice” Award by Control Engineering Magazine2018-03-28T22:17:16+00:00

Dream Report Added to Rockwell Automation Encompass™ Program

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dream Report Added to Rockwell Automation Encompass™ Program December 7, 2017 – Ocean Data Systems (ODS), the market leader for industrial automation reports and dashboards, announced that Dream Report is now a reference product in the Rockwell Automation Encompass™ Program. Ocean Data Systems is now an Encompass [...]

Dream Report Added to Rockwell Automation Encompass™ Program2017-12-14T08:20:02+00:00

Dream Report Newsletter – November 2017

Yes, we are working hard to “Tame Your Ocean of Data,” here at Ocean Data Systems.  Too hard in fact and our newsletter has fallen behind.  So much to tell since the last!  There’s a new release of Dream Report.  As usual, Dream Report’s in the news.  We need your [...]

Dream Report Newsletter – November 20172018-03-28T22:18:36+00:00