
Ocean Data Systems shares our thoughts and best practices with media around the world. Here is a highlight of just some of the areas we’ve contributed.

Water Efficiency Magazine and Dream Report

Dream Report received a nice highlight in Water Efficiency Magazine.  Check out the SCADA Update article starting on page 38. Download the PDF of WaterEfficiencyMagazineMay2015 Water Efficiency is a great publication and there are many past issues worth viewing.  Please note - the article lists that Dream Report offers [...]

Water Efficiency Magazine and Dream Report2018-02-10T13:14:37+00:00

The Evolution of an Automation System – What Stage are You In?

It’s a rather obvious concept, technology has been driving the evolution of automation.  In the dark ages we had automation though mechanics and pneumatics.  With the development of sensors and controllers, automation became programmable and we were able to communicate electronically.  Standard Protocols lead to layered solutions – the HMI [...]

The Evolution of an Automation System – What Stage are You In?2018-02-10T13:16:47+00:00

Automatic CSV File Import and CSV File Export

Automatic CSV Data Processing for Industrial Reports and Dashboards In the world of industrial automation, CSV (Comma Separated Variables) file formats are very common and an excellent way to transfer data between systems for report generation and performance dashboards.  The process required for automated CSV File importing are: Automated CSV [...]

Automatic CSV File Import and CSV File Export2019-01-28T19:35:00+00:00

Learning to Position and Sell Dream Report – Battle Card

9 Elements of a Battle Card The marketing and sales of any product is enhanced when there is a clear understanding of the target customer, market, features, benefits, etc.  That’s where a Battle Card comes in. The 9 elements of a Battle Card are: Marketplace Conditions Target Customers, Markets and [...]

Learning to Position and Sell Dream Report – Battle Card2019-05-17T13:18:18+00:00

If Dream Report were an Element, Which one would it be?

If Dream Report were an Element, Which one would it be? After watching one of my favorite series of all time, I started to wonder… Would it be Hydrogen?  It’s the simplest of all the elements.  It’s the most abundant element in the universe, an attribute of Hydrogen we are [...]

If Dream Report were an Element, Which one would it be?2017-11-25T11:43:03+00:00

Clean In Place (CIP) – Steam In Place (SIP)

Clean-in-place (CIP) A method of cleaning the interior surfaces of pipes, vessels, process equipment, filters and associated fittings, without disassembly.  The benefit to industries that use CIP is that the cleaning is faster, less labor-intensive and more repeatable, and poses less of a chemical exposure risk to people. Starting as a manual process, [...]

Clean In Place (CIP) – Steam In Place (SIP)2019-02-16T14:27:19+00:00

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive ( EPBD )

Tools for report generation in industrial applications have been few and far between. Those that exist typically focus on functionality to deliver “Compliance” level reports, those reports that are absolutely necessary and core to the business at hand, and are typically vendor specific offerings. As such, functionality has trumped ease [...]

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive ( EPBD )2018-02-10T15:33:52+00:00

Dream Report and Historian Aggregates

Picture this, you are generating a monthly report and need daily summaries, but your history data has 10 second resolution.  That means for the report, you’ll need to process a total of roughly 250,000 data samples per calculated variable.  Suppose you could ask your data source to pre-calculate the data [...]

Dream Report and Historian Aggregates2018-02-10T15:35:29+00:00

Cyber Security – Reports and Dashboards for Automation – Best Practices

It used to be that security through obscurity was enough to protect automation systems from cyber-attacks.  Who would really care about those industrial protocols anyway?  We know from the famed Stuxnet and its derivatives that automation systems are now a prime target.  There have been numerous documented intrusions to automation [...]

Cyber Security – Reports and Dashboards for Automation – Best Practices2017-11-25T11:36:13+00:00

Dream Report is a Global Solution – Available in 14 Languages

Dream Report is an automated reporting and dashboard product, available in 14 Languages.  Dream Report can switch languages on the fly, based on user login information. Where are the people that care about Dream Report?  Well, it appears that they are in just about every country around the globe.  This [...]

Dream Report is a Global Solution – Available in 14 Languages2018-02-10T15:37:55+00:00