
Ocean Data Systems shares our thoughts and best practices with media around the world. Here is a highlight of just some of the areas we’ve contributed.

Automated Report Generation for Kepware’s KEPServerEX Local Historian

Kepware just announced their new version of KEPServerEX version 5.16, and it includes a Local Historian with OPC HDA capability. OPC HDA is the History Data Access standard by the OPC Foundation. Dream Report supports the OPC HDA standard, and with version 4.6 R3, Dream Report also delivers the ability [...]

Automated Report Generation for Kepware’s KEPServerEX Local Historian2017-11-25T10:50:22+00:00

Dream Report Version 4.6 Release 3 is Available

Version 4.6 of Dream Report delivered a lot of new features. Since its initial release in April of this year, we've introduced a couple additional enhancements in the form of Release 2 and Release 3. The full release notes are listed below. One of the most interesting new features in [...]

Dream Report Version 4.6 Release 3 is Available2017-11-25T10:44:13+00:00

One and Done – Picking the Most Cost Effective Reporting Solution

When you’re evaluating competitive alternatives, do you keep your sights on the end goal?  For example, with respect to information delivery (compliance reports, performance reports, corporate dashboards), there are solutions that will deliver it all in one package.  The basic generation of data isn't all that you are concerned with.  [...]

One and Done – Picking the Most Cost Effective Reporting Solution2018-02-10T17:28:56+00:00

Software Toolbox – Representing ODS at Proven Partner Event – Ignition Community Conference 2014

Dream Report is delivered to the world through our OEMs, and a select set of direct channel partners.  Software Toolbox is just such a partner, and was recently representing Ocean Data Systems at the Inductive Automation - Ignition Community Conference 2014.  We are proud to have John Weber and Software [...]

Software Toolbox – Representing ODS at Proven Partner Event – Ignition Community Conference 20142018-03-05T11:39:17+00:00

Business Level Products for Industrial Reporting Should Be a Thing of the Past

White Paper Summary: Tools for report generation in industrial applications have been few and far between.  Those that exist typically focus on functionality to deliver “Compliance” level reports, those reports that are absolutely necessary and core to the business at hand, and are typically vendor specific offerings.  As such, functionality [...]

Business Level Products for Industrial Reporting Should Be a Thing of the Past2018-02-10T17:39:26+00:00

What’s a Batch? To Start, any process that has an indeterminate start and end time.

The first definition of a batch needs to begin with a process that has a variable start and end time.  The two may be linked, for example a variable start and a known process that ends a defined period later, or it may be a process that ends on any [...]

What’s a Batch? To Start, any process that has an indeterminate start and end time.2018-02-10T17:43:48+00:00

What is AMP (AMP5, AMP6)? Asset Management Plan / Period

An Asset Management Plan (AMP) is a tactical plan for managing an organisation's infrastructure and other assets to deliver an agreed standard of service. Typically, an Asset Management Plan will cover more than a single asset, taking a system approach - especially where a number of assets are co-dependent and [...]

What is AMP (AMP5, AMP6)? Asset Management Plan / Period2018-02-10T17:47:53+00:00

Reports shouldn’t just be static documents generated automatically.

You may think a report is a static document that is defined and run on time or event. Yes, inferior solutions work that way. But Dream Report is a superior solution. When you create a Dream Report, you automatically get lots of flexibility, with no extra effort at all. For [...]

Reports shouldn’t just be static documents generated automatically.2018-02-10T17:51:11+00:00

Green House Gas (GHG) Reporting Requirements – 40CFRPart98

You might be calculating this by hand.  You might be doing this in Microsoft Excel.  After all, it is just an annual requirement.  Or, you could be letting Dream Report do all the work for you, and deliver you lots of interesting dashboard information in the process.  Dream Report delivers [...]

Green House Gas (GHG) Reporting Requirements – 40CFRPart982017-11-23T14:21:15+00:00

5 Myths of Automated Report Generation

5 Myths of Automated Industrial Reports and Dashboards Automated Report Generation is Hard Not Flexible Enough to be an All Encompassing Solution Not Reliable Enough for Automated 24x7x365 Operation Won't Integrate with Existing Automation Systems Report Generators are Not Event or Batch Aware   Let’s take these one at a [...]

5 Myths of Automated Report Generation2019-01-21T15:46:51+00:00