Other Markets

This Blog contains all things relevant to Dream Report in a variety of other markets.

Dream Report Web Portal for Mobile Devices – Demo

Dream Report offers a Web Portal delivering two separate user experiences, one for a full browser that is PC based and one for a more limited browser that you'll find on mobile devices. Both experiences are based on Dream Report delivering HTML5 pages from the Dream Report web server running [...]

Dream Report Web Portal for Mobile Devices – Demo2018-02-10T16:53:25+00:00

Report Generation is much easier than you think – Drive Continuous Improvement

Driving continuous improvement is essential to remaining competitive in today's market.  Delivering information to all stakeholders is the first step to being able to identify what is working well and what needs improvement. Automated report generation is the key to the pervasive sharing of information and reports are the necessary [...]

Report Generation is much easier than you think – Drive Continuous Improvement2018-05-02T13:48:40+00:00

Analytics and Reporting are Two Different Practices – You Need Both – Start with Reporting

Analytics and Reporting are two different practices for sure, and you need both to maximize continuous improvement within your organization.  The first step is to create a base of information that can be shared widely to drive understanding.  That is reporting.  Then, you layer in analytics, to drive a better [...]

Analytics and Reporting are Two Different Practices – You Need Both – Start with Reporting2017-11-25T11:00:52+00:00

Good Reporting is Essential to Effective Data Center Operations

The human brain is good at detecting differences in things to better understand them. If you show someone a pattern taken from a data set over a period of time, they will be able to determine where the pattern is headed, or where it breaks. In other words, you can [...]

Good Reporting is Essential to Effective Data Center Operations2017-11-25T10:56:13+00:00

Make sure your Internet Portal is Secure – This Experiment Shows Why.

Here's the experiment.  You take a piece of automation equipment, place it on the Internet, and then track what happens to it.  That is exactly what some folks at "infracritical" did.  The experiment was called Project RUGGEDTRAX - SCADA / ICS Analysis.  Their findings are attached in this PDF document shared [...]

Make sure your Internet Portal is Secure – This Experiment Shows Why.2018-02-10T17:18:04+00:00

When selecting a Web Portal for Industry – What is the right Web Server technology?

Dream Report is known for its report generation capability and outputting reports in PDF, Excel and CSV file formats. An important part of any Report Generation product is the ability to support user interaction, manual data entry and report organization. For those, the ideal solution comes in the form of [...]

When selecting a Web Portal for Industry – What is the right Web Server technology?2018-02-10T17:20:05+00:00

Automated Report Generation for Kepware’s KEPServerEX Local Historian

Kepware just announced their new version of KEPServerEX version 5.16, and it includes a Local Historian with OPC HDA capability. OPC HDA is the History Data Access standard by the OPC Foundation. Dream Report supports the OPC HDA standard, and with version 4.6 R3, Dream Report also delivers the ability [...]

Automated Report Generation for Kepware’s KEPServerEX Local Historian2017-11-25T10:50:22+00:00

Dream Report Version 4.6 Release 3 is Available

Version 4.6 of Dream Report delivered a lot of new features. Since its initial release in April of this year, we've introduced a couple additional enhancements in the form of Release 2 and Release 3. The full release notes are listed below. One of the most interesting new features in [...]

Dream Report Version 4.6 Release 3 is Available2017-11-25T10:44:13+00:00

Trihedral Joins Dream Report “Proven Partner” Program for VTScada

September 29, 2014 LYON, France – Ocean Data Systems (ODS), the technology leader in automated reporting for industry, announced that Trihedral has partnered with ODS to provide seamless integration of Dream Report with VTScada. Trihedral delivers VTScada, a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) solution focused on instant productivity.  Trihedral [...]

Trihedral Joins Dream Report “Proven Partner” Program for VTScada2018-04-11T16:13:43+00:00

One and Done – Picking the Most Cost Effective Reporting Solution

When you’re evaluating competitive alternatives, do you keep your sights on the end goal?  For example, with respect to information delivery (compliance reports, performance reports, corporate dashboards), there are solutions that will deliver it all in one package.  The basic generation of data isn't all that you are concerned with.  [...]

One and Done – Picking the Most Cost Effective Reporting Solution2018-02-10T17:28:56+00:00
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