
Ocean Data Systems shares our thoughts and best practices with media around the world. Here is a highlight of just some of the areas we’ve contributed.

We’ve been hacked – Lessons learned – Applicable to automation

You wake up and prepare for your day’s work, and suddenly things aren’t going as planned. In our case, the date was Monday 12/16, and it was just a Website Hack, but there are some important lessons to be learned and shared. Our site, like countless others on the internet [...]

We’ve been hacked – Lessons learned – Applicable to automation2018-02-10T16:23:07+00:00

Automated Report Generation with Inductive Automation Ignition and Dream Report

Inductive Automation is a member of the Dream Report Proven Partner Program.  As such, we've worked together to test the connectivity and operation of each product.  Dream Report is a recommended solution for Inductive Automation's Ignition HMI/SCADA solution. We've created the following information to help you configure Ignition for use [...]

Automated Report Generation with Inductive Automation Ignition and Dream Report2018-02-10T16:47:49+00:00

Bridging the Last 18 Inch Gap with a Donut

You’ve heard of the “Last Mile” metaphor used by telecommunications providers to highlight the high cost and complexity of overcoming the last connection from their local network hub your home.  In logistics, it is used to highlight the last leg in a complex supply chain, the leg that can take [...]

Bridging the Last 18 Inch Gap with a Donut2018-02-10T16:50:07+00:00

Dream Report Web Portal for Mobile Devices – Demo

Dream Report offers a Web Portal delivering two separate user experiences, one for a full browser that is PC based and one for a more limited browser that you'll find on mobile devices. Both experiences are based on Dream Report delivering HTML5 pages from the Dream Report web server running [...]

Dream Report Web Portal for Mobile Devices – Demo2018-02-10T16:53:25+00:00

Report Generation is much easier than you think – Drive Continuous Improvement

Driving continuous improvement is essential to remaining competitive in today's market.  Delivering information to all stakeholders is the first step to being able to identify what is working well and what needs improvement. Automated report generation is the key to the pervasive sharing of information and reports are the necessary [...]

Report Generation is much easier than you think – Drive Continuous Improvement2018-05-02T13:48:40+00:00

Analytics and Reporting are Two Different Practices – You Need Both – Start with Reporting

Analytics and Reporting are two different practices for sure, and you need both to maximize continuous improvement within your organization.  The first step is to create a base of information that can be shared widely to drive understanding.  That is reporting.  Then, you layer in analytics, to drive a better [...]

Analytics and Reporting are Two Different Practices – You Need Both – Start with Reporting2017-11-25T11:00:52+00:00

Thermal Uniformity Survey (TUS) Software by the Experts – Ocean Data Systems

Thermal Uniformity Survey (TUS), also known as Temperature Uniformity Survey, is the process of testing and mapping the temperatures inside an oven / autoclave / heat treat chamber. The process entails the addition of a number of temperature sensors, typically thermocouples, and controlling the oven through a ramp and soak [...]

Thermal Uniformity Survey (TUS) Software by the Experts – Ocean Data Systems2018-02-10T16:58:48+00:00

Good Reporting is Essential to Effective Data Center Operations

The human brain is good at detecting differences in things to better understand them. If you show someone a pattern taken from a data set over a period of time, they will be able to determine where the pattern is headed, or where it breaks. In other words, you can [...]

Good Reporting is Essential to Effective Data Center Operations2017-11-25T10:56:13+00:00

Make sure your Internet Portal is Secure – This Experiment Shows Why.

Here's the experiment.  You take a piece of automation equipment, place it on the Internet, and then track what happens to it.  That is exactly what some folks at "infracritical" did.  The experiment was called Project RUGGEDTRAX - SCADA / ICS Analysis.  Their findings are attached in this PDF document shared [...]

Make sure your Internet Portal is Secure – This Experiment Shows Why.2018-02-10T17:18:04+00:00

When selecting a Web Portal for Industry – What is the right Web Server technology?

Dream Report is known for its report generation capability and outputting reports in PDF, Excel and CSV file formats. An important part of any Report Generation product is the ability to support user interaction, manual data entry and report organization. For those, the ideal solution comes in the form of [...]

When selecting a Web Portal for Industry – What is the right Web Server technology?2018-02-10T17:20:05+00:00