Choosing t
o use a new product can be challenging. You need to convince management, build a business case and choose a solution that will deliver the best return on your investment. Your reputation is on the line, and it sure would be valuable to have input from those you trust.
So, listen to some of these people, those responsible for major installations or hundreds of Dream Report customers. These testimonials will tell you why Dream Report is the right choice and is a product that should be installed as part of EVERY application.
Regardless of market, if you have an HMI, SCADA, DCS, Historian or just some automation controllers – PLCs, Smart Meters, Operator Panels, RTUs, then Dream Report should be a part of your system, delivering reports and dashboards, helping you to meet your compliance requirements or giving you the information you need to run your business better. Once set up, Dream Report is the gift that keeps on giving, generating and distributing information via email, PDF and Excel files or through dashboards available on any computer or mobile device that you’ve approved. Payback is quick and the benefit never ends.
Here are just some of our testimonial videos, from industry experts, that will hopefully help you trust that Dream Report is the right solution for your needs too.
Vassiliko Cement in Cypress Greece
– Our first customer with over 10 years of history.
Franchesco and Massimo with Servitecno (In Italian)
– Delivering Dream Report to Companies in Italy
Richard Kaye, Head of North America Sales for Ocean Data Systems
– With connectivity to all systems, Dream Report has become the most widely resold and recommend solution in North America. Easy to use and quick to implement. It is designed to get YOUR job done.
John Weber, President of Software Toolbox
– John tells why Dream Report is a key solution in their product portfolio. Software Toolbox supports customers around the world.
Joe Finn, Wonderware Midwest
– Joe talks about how their customers are automating manual data entry, delivering reports across their organizations, and getting excellent support from ODS.
Jason Jacobs, Wonderware Canada East
– Jason talks about Dream Report ease of use and the purpose-built functionality for industrial applications. Also delivering special functionality for the Water and Waste Water world in Canada.
Darren Kline, Wonderware North
– Darren talks about delivering Dream Report to their customers in New England. Dream Report is the information solution for their customers in all markets. His customers love the product and all the information it will generate.
Scott Bredehoft, Wonderware Midwest
– Scott talks about using Dream Report for data visibility and alarm reporting. ISA 18.2 applications are a good fit for Dream Report.
Rob Bansek, Insource Solutions
– Rob talks about his many customers taking advantage of Dream Report scalability. Dream Report can be your one solution for all information requirements. Dream Report is a low risk solution to drive continuous improvement in all applications.
Roy Kok, VP Sales and Marketing for Ocean Data Systems
– Roy talks about the value proposition for Dream Report. Compliance Reports, Performance Reports and the tools to drive continuous improvement.