Layering Value Is the Best Way to Enhance an Existing Automation System

Lets face it, your automation platforms are expensive and you don’t have the opportunity to have a “Do Over”.  That means you need to focus on layered technology to enhance the value of an existing system, be it a Distributed Control System (DCS), HMI/SCADA, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Process Automation Controller (PAC), Historian, Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system.

In a recent discussion/demonstration with an ARC Advisory Group analyst, we presented Dream Report and its functionality, and it was immediately evident that the #1 value from Dream Report, added to any automation environment, was to enhance process visibility and enable pervasive process improvement.  This is accomplished through better access to information from your existing control and information systems, whatever they are.

With over 65 automation system interfaces, encompassing the trio of proprietary drivers, automation industry standards and business standards, Dream Report will connect to your automation environment and Dream Report will deliver visibility, accountability and information access to anyone, anywhere and anytime.  This means reports at the end of a shift, reports at the end of every batch, and reports on every glass.

More than Reports

Reports are the core of Dream Report (obviously), but there is more to Dream Report than just a report.  Dream Report is actually in the business of delivering information.  That information can take the form of a Report.  But it can also take the form of data shared on an interactive web portal.  Imagine getting an email notification link telling you to review information online.  That information can be related to your continuous process, a batch system or information from your discrete process control system.

Today, you are living with systems that were selected and installed years ago.  Your solution for improved performance is either to upgrade them, typically at a high cost from the vendor, or layer new technology on top of them, making use of their data in new and powerful ways.  That describes Dream Report in a nut shell.  Dream Report can be added to virtually any existing automation environment and Dream Report will deliver additional visibility and analytic data about any existing process.

Delivering Value on Any Glass

Any Glass – an interesting term coined by Microsoft, to highlight information access on Servers, Workstations, Tablets, Kiosks, and Smart Phones, highlights the core value of Dream Report.  Dream Report accesses data from your existing systems, performs an analysis on that data – turning it into information, formats that information for presentation and then delivers it to “Any Glass”.  It’s valuable when shared across your team.  It’s actionable, due to the insights and presentation Dream Report can deliver.  It’s not just numbers, tables and trends.  It can be Alarm Logs, Bar Codes, and advanced statistics, delivered regularly to your team, so that they understand the operation of their process, the usual behaviors, so they can recognize and react to the unusual behaviors.

But Most Important, Dream Report is a Natural Addition to Every Automation System

That was the epiphany that came out of the Analyst meeting.  “I see this as breathing life into every existing automation system”, was the most important comment.  “What’s the average installation cost?  Under $10,000 dollars?  That means it’s under most capital project budget requirements and can be purchased and added without a major corporate approval process,” was another gem.  “If it’s really this easy to use, then installation doesn’t need to be done by IT in the corporation and you’ve put the power of continuous improvement back in the hands of the Process Control Engineer,” were the final words of wisdom.

We agree.  Dream Report is the single most powerful addition to any existing system.  It is easy to add and it is cost effective.  Dream Report is so easy to use, that you can have access to any information that you want, anytime, anywhere and by anyone, without needing an IT Staff to make it happen.  Access your information on “Any Glass”.