Every major project should start with the same effort, an activity to quantify the current state, so that you have the measurements needed to compare against the future state.  In many projects, the item that creates your baseline is actually the item you are replacing or improving.  It can be hard to perform an Apples to Apples comparison when you rip and replace your automation system or major components of it.  And, if you are using your automation system for that baseline, then the effort to document the future state is a duplicated engineering activity, by having to recreate it in the new system.

A better way to document current state and compare it to the future state is to layer an independent bit of analysis technology.  You’ll get multiple benefits.  First, it will deliver clear value in documenting the operation of your current process.  It will also deliver that information to those that are responsible for managing the improvement.  Finally, with the foundation of current state data, it will easily transition and adapt to the future state and enable you to see a direct comparison.

There are many technologies that can be layered in for this independent analysis.  Some are easier to set up than others.  Many have one particular challenge, that they are one of several to choose from…  For example, you could select an HMI/SCADA system as your current and future state analysis tool.  But your customer is likely to say – we already have a standard in that area, it needs to be xyz.  The same is true if you want to perform the activity with a PLC.  Historians and their analysis tools also have that challenge.  Moreover, these alternatives have very high installation and maintenance costs.

Dream Report is the one bit of technology that is completely unique in the market, and hence will not raise the objection with respect to being the right choice.  It will layer on top of any existing system, will perform and document your current state analysis.  Dream Report can then be remapped (if necessary), to your new automation solution, to document the state of operation after your system improvements.

Dream Report is so cost effective to install and maintain, that it’s a great starter project prior to any major automation system upgrade.  It’s the perfect way to document your current state and will quickly adapt to document the operation of your future state, providing your management with the visibility they need to quantify their return on investment.